Annual Salary Review YW24

An Annual Salary Review system that probably works the way you like


Salary Review YW24 is a complete system for managing the Annual Salary Review process within your organization. The system is suitable for mainly midsize and large organizations. The system handles several parallel processes, where a manager can act in more than one process at the same time – e.g. when reviewing in several countries at the same time or for different groups within a business where there is a need to differentiate the processes, e.g. because of different timelines or needs for different approval flows.

The system offers better, more, and simpler functionality than the major German and US competitors. We can deliver the functionality you require and what is promised. The system is Swedish-built and supports the Nordic way of processing the  Annual Salary Review, as well as international standards.

User and usability focused system

Simple to use and clear what to do for the reviewing manager

YW24 Användarfokuserat System (1)

Annual Salary Review YW24 is built to simplify the salary review process for managers. The system offers clear steps for each user group and support in the review such as salary markets, compa-ratio, salary proposals based on performance and compa-ratio, salary ranges, warnings and stops for salary increases outside set limits and communication when it is time to carry out an action in the system.

Control and transparency

HR is given instant overview and control over the process

YW24 Kontroll Och Transparens (1)

Annual Salary Review YW24 offers HR and Comp & Ben tools to steer, control and follow the Annual Salary review process in real time.

  • The business can save money through a process that is based on justification of salary increases based on parameters such as comparison and performance, and not just that the reviewing manager must stay within budget. The system has functionality that facilitates such processing where managers have access to relevant information and where the higher up managers, HR and Comp & Ben can follow the process in real time and see submitted proposals and their impact on the total budget.
  • Opportunity for all parties to follow the process in real time and see their employees and how much has been spent on them, but also see which managers have completed their steps in the review and which are not finished or have started the review.

Installation, configuration and implementation

Cost-efficient, easy and quick to implement and configure

Installation och implementering

Annual Salary Review YW24 is a web-based system and is delivered via a cloud service (SaaS: via MS Azure Sweden) or as a local installation in the customer's server environment (On-premise: MS IIS and MS-SQL).

The system can be configured according to the customer's requirements via a easy and straight forward implementation process that usually takes a week or so. Here we distinguish ourselves from many other suppliers by being able to implement an advanced system within a short timeframe. This of course means that the cost, both internal and external, for the implementation is very low in comparison with the major German and US competitors.


Customer specific configurable processes

YW24 Processer (1)

Annual Salary Review YW24 is a process driven system, where a process can be configured with the customer required steps. It is possible, among other things, to set process and field names, the fields which will be visible in each step, the order of the steps and fields and which user roles act in each step.

The system supports several processes running in parallel, with different timelines and different process steps. A manager can review in one or more processes at the same time, without being part of the review in the process.

Union negotiation and other Nordic countries’ specific rules

Swedish built system for an international market


Annual Salary Review YW24 is a Swedish-built system where local practices for Annual Salary Review, such as salary discussion and union negotiations have been taken into account. This functionality is used when needed and by customer requested config. The system also supports the Finnish requirement of salary components usage.

Union representatives can be offered access to the system, if the customer so wishes, and can act in the system during the union negotiation. The union representatives of course only have access to their members' information, and which information is shared can be controlled via settings in the system.

Employee data updates

Update of employee data during an active process

Uppdatering av data

The system is designed with the ability to upload data changes during the ongoing process via a file or an integration (file-based CSV). Changes within the organization such as a change of manager or reorganization are handled in the system or via file upload. Even changes to basic salary outside of Annual salary review can be updated easily in the system through a file/integration. It is possible to control which fields should be possible to update, and in the basic salary field it is also possible to control the date interval when updating the basic salary is possible. Long Annual Salary Review processes are thus handled well by the system.

KPIs and analytics

Graphs and Reports available

YW24 Kpi Och Analys (1)

Annual Salary Review YW24 has graphs showing employees and their salaries compared to salary markets, Compa-ratio compared to performance, Compa-ratio compared to Job grade and a simpler comparison between men's and women's salaries. In addition to that, there are so-called Analytics with graphs and tables where HR and managers can follow the process regarding the number of employees reviewed, salary amount proposed so far, etc.

There are a number of fixed reports available that export data from the system, then it is possible to configure customer-specific reports and finally the user can specify own reports.

All graphs and reports are permission controlled, based on role and organization, which means that the user sees the employees and the information they should see.

Extensive setting options

The customer can control most of the system themselves via settings

Omfattande inställningsmöjligheter

Annual Salary Review YW24 provides the option to set:

  • which filters are used in which view
  • how user groups are defined
  • which fields are used, visible, editable
  • field name visible to the user
  • the order of the fields
  • names of tables and other texts
  • and much more...


The customer can set and change most things in the system themselves. Upon delivery, a configuration is made according to the customer's requirements, and this can then be changed by the supplier or the customer themself if adjustments are required.

Supportive functionality for an efficient review

Salary markets, Guidelines, Budget and Salary proposal

YW24 Stödfunktioner (1)

Annual Salary Review YW24 offers support functionality to the user that facilitates the review.

  • The system supports the usage of one or several salary markets that are linked to groups of employees to calculate Compa-ratio.
  • Warnings and hard stop of salary increases can be introduced in the form of salary increase limits; both upper and lower limits. The user can receive warnings if salary changes are entered that are too high or too low, alternatively the salary change can be stopped if it is much too high or low.
  • Budget can be specified in the form of a percentage markup, which can then be applied to groupings of employees. Calculations of budget and use of budget are done automatically.
  • Salary proposals can be given based on the employee's current salary level and performance.

Reminders and messages

Date controlled reminders and action-based messages

Påminnelser och meddelande

Annual Salary Review YW24 has the option of sending notifications and reminders to users.

  • The system can be set to generate a message to the next user in the process, when the first user has completed the current step in the process.
  • It is possible to set if and when reminders should go out and reminders are limited to those who have not completed a step in the process in due time. One or more reminders can go out for the same step, at different times based on the step's "due date".

Further functionality and other facts

Some common questions and often requested functionality

Ytterligare funktionalitet
  • Salary letters – the system provides configurable salary letters that the manager can access in the system and distribute to employees after the process is completed.
  • Login – the system offers several different login options: Single sign on (SSO) and/or username and password. The methods can be mixed if required.
  • Delivery method and IT security - both SaaS and On-prem "delivery" are offered. On-prem is somewhat more expensive, but if the IT security requirements are extensive in your organisation, this can be an option as the customer keeps the system in their own environment and can e.g. restrict access via Intranet only.
  • Link to Equal pay analysis – The Annual Salary Review YW24 can take in the actions from the Equal pay analysis and distribute these to the managers. This makes it easier to keep the Equal Pay and the Annual Salary Review together and can keep salary costs down and save money for the company.
  • Connection to HR and payroll systems – it is possible to integrate data from HR systems to update personnel data during the process. In order to update the payroll system with the outcome of the Annual Salary review, a report can be generated which is then loaded into the payroll system.
  • Attribute-based role assignment – the system supports attribute-based role assignment, which facilitates the management of special roles such as HR, Comp & Ben and Union representative. For example, everyone with Job Title = HR BP is assigned the Role HR in the system.