Time Report YW24

Time reporting and schedule management


TimeReport YW24 is a system that supports advanced time reporting and schedule management for all types of businesses.

It is developed to support large companies that have several different operational areas and different collective agreements.

Advanced and versatile configuration options

A time reporting system that handles most variants of time reporting

Avancerade och mångsidiga konfigurationsmöjligheter

The system handles several different types of time reporting simultaneously. For example, deviation reporting, from and to time, number of hours per day, and relevant combinations of these are supported. An employee may need to report on several different types depending on tasks and this is supported by the system.

Project reporting

Supports Project reporting including sub-activities


An employee can have several projects to report time against, and each project can in turn contain sub-projects. The system supports simultaneous use of reporting for salaried employees, workers and projects.

Easy approval flow

Manager approval via the usual manager-employee relationship

Enkelt attesteringsflöde

Approval is based on the relationship between the approver and the employee. This relationship can be handled directly in the system or uploaded via a file, where the manager-employee relationship is usually used. This entails both a dynamic approval relationship and that it is easy to transfer this from a Payroll system or HR system, and keep the information up to date via an integration or upload of a file.

Easy and simple Reimbursement functionality

Registration of expenses and mileage

Enklare Reseräkningsfunktionalitet

TimeReport YW24 includes a simple module for Reimbursement/travel expense management. It is possible to register various forms of expenses, mileage and per diem. Receipt copies can be attached in the system. Amounts are stated for what is to be reimbursed, however, there are no VAT calculations or rules regarding per diem.

Includes Invoicing module

Adapted for consulting activities

Innehåller Faktureringsmodul

TimeReport YW24 includes a module for creating and storing invoices, based on time reporting and expense reporting. Invoicing is built primarily for consulting businesses, but also works for internal invoicing and operations whose invoicing is mainly based on hours worked.

Periodic cyclic schedules

Advanced schedule management

Other systems

TimeReport YW24 includes advanced functionality for managing work schedules.

There is functionality for setting up periodic cyclic schedules, i.e. those that run for one or more weeks with recurring patterns on working time and working days. These schedules are assigned to employees, individually or via group rules. The assignment of schedules is date-controlled.

Unique individual schedules and own wish scheduling

Flexible schedule management

Flexibel schemahantering

TimeReport YW24 handles user own wish schedules and setup of unique individual schedules in a graphical interface.

Schedules can be created and staffed, and employees can enter requests for shifts and also exchange shifts with each other in the system.