Services for Comp & Ben and HR

Support in the preparation and operation of HR processes within Comp & Ben

Tjänster Inom Comp Och Ben (1)

YourWork24 can offer Comp & Ben consulting support in both the preparation and operation of Equal pay, Annual Salary Review and the Bonus process. Our consultants have several decades experience of Comp & ben work from large corporations.

Consultant services Annual Salary Review

Support in the preparation and operation

Konsultstöd lönerevision

YourWork24 kan erbjuda hjälp vid genomförandet av lönerevisionsprocessen i delar eller i sin helhet. Ni som kund kan outsourca hela eller delar av förberedelsen och genomförandet av lönerevisionen till oss.

Consultant services Equal pay analysis

Support in the preparation and operation

Exkludering av vissa löner

YourWork24 can offer support in preparation and operation of the Equal pay analysis. We can be helpful with everything from aligning the Job structure to carrying out the Equal pay analysis including suggested actions for management of pay inequalities, and support in briefings with the unions.

For smaller companies, we can help with a completely manual Equal pay analysis without the use of any system. For larger businesses, we can help with the implementation of Equal pay analysis via our IT system in combination with the manual parts.

Consultant services Bonus

Bonus scheme advice

Konsultstöd Bonus Small

YourWork24 can advice with Bonus schemes or support in the preparatory work with the Annual bonus process.

Job Evaluation

Setting up a Job structure or updating an existing structure

Enkelt attesteringsflöde

YourWork24 can support and advice in Job evaluation and setting a new Job structure or updating an existing Job structure.